Sunday, 4 April 2010

I wanted the beach and ended up in Rimini (or Virginia Beach, or Brighton), but I was not too unhappy about it. I spent a week in Nha Trang, after a gallup of 2000 km to get away from cold weather and once there the mellow attitude of the place did not make me fret too much about the quality of the beach: the water was warm, I used my buoy to avoid becoming a casualty of the rare jetskiers and the frequent boats towing parachute wearing holidaymakers, enjoyed the food and the company of my new friends, who took me out to dinner one night to a place where everything was grilled on the table, in an embers grill. Basic but tasty, they kept eating, but eventually they were done in by the cornucopia of the order, turning the last plate around to the kitchen. By then, I had long stopped intaking, unususally for me, I fill up quickly in warm weather. Then on to night spots: Mickey owns several bars in Ximien (Fujian, China) including a huge 1,000 capacity pub and kept extolling the virtues of the place (except the rigid winter) but insisted I must visit, he will take total care of me and even assign me his driver while I am there. I wondered how that would work and told him that in my volunteer work for my neighborhood association I fight his type tooth and nail. But he and Siu are really congenial, I really can’t imagine any problem, other than having to hang out in bars some, since that’s what their lives are: they work all the time and love it. Days went by quickly and quietly, I used 30 protection lotion, very uncharacteristically for me, because I really did not want any more surprises than I already had along the way. Thrills in Nha Trang included finding real chocolate and conversation with the occasional local encounter.

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