Friday, 19 February 2010

The pineapples in the Philippines are smaller, the leaves are thorny, but on the upside, they are very tasty and you don’t throw away the core, which is entirely edible

As I found this picture and decided to publish it along with my very first that I took, (a self portrait, lost in jet lag in a faraway land) I am remembering my impressions of my first stop on the trip. A walk through Cebu City showed me the place is not all plastic and trash (my first impression): I loved the markets and I finally felt the motivation to take pictures. It was great to be on the overcrowded minibus on the way back from the pool, I immediately picked up the word they use to request a stop (though I don't remember it now, I am sure I will know when I hear it again) and found out the correct change to hand the driver. And looking out at the clear night sky from the patio, I was seeing a supernova changing colors millions of times a minute (I imagine, I couldn' try to start counting), just over the roof of my hotel... And the people, most people on the street, are genuinly friendly, kind and almost always smiling; being at the Lachon, (spit roasted pig, from the Spanish lechon), the traditional celebratory meal I got other invitations for the upcoming village-wide parties scheduled for the Sunday before Mardi Gras, but I not go, I was already leaving for Hong Kong.

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